Reading Level Improved and His Frustration Decreased
Calvin has made significant gains after having vision therapy. Cal was a struggling reader from kindergarten until third grade. We had the best “reading teachers,” tutored all summer and throughout the school year – but still Cal was frustrated. He made the same mistakes over and over – crying many times. A teacher recommended a vision evaluation after having a successful student complete “vision therapy” a previous year. Miss Sherry became our vision therapist. She was a perfect fit for Cal. We/Cal did work very hard to do all his assigned vision therapy each week. We started noticing a difference around week 8. Eventually Cal went from way below grade level to just above grade level. He had the largest gain on the NWEA (Novi’s School district – spring “MEAP”) test in all the third grade. He went from struggling to read 10 minutes to being able to read 30 minutes easily. His confidence improved, his reading level improved and his frustration decreased.
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