Since Finishing the Vision Therapy Program, I have Fewer Headaches From Reading

Before vision therapy, I struggled with reading for long periods of time, seeing clearly both up close and far away, staying on the same line when reading sentences, processing and translating from the teacher’s board to my paper during class.

Since finishing the vision therapy program, I have fewer headaches from reading and I can read for longer periods of time before needing a break. My handwriting has improved and I don’t shift lines when reading. Taking notes in class is easier because I copy information correctly. Before, I would make mistakes copying from the teacher’s board. I used to trip over nothing when walking, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I passed the vision screening at secretary of state for my permit.

Working with Mallory is the biggest reason for my success. Mallory’s pleasant personality made me very comfortable during each session. Mallory had patience with me when I wasn’t able to do an activity very well. She was easy to talk to about random topics and she always knew how to help me when my vision became fuzzy at times.

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